To keep LDapper from showing this alert in the future, click here. You can force the alert to be shown by option-clicking the “Latest Version” button. To have LDapper show this alert in the future, click here. To cancel the query, click here. To query the server, click here. This is the contact person for LDapper. To open a new mail message pre-addressed to this person, click here. This is another URL of the latest version of LDapper. To download it, click the URL. This is the URL of the latest version of LDapper. To download it, click the URL. This is a URL to the web page where you can get more information about LDapper. To use your web browser to open this URL, click it. This is the current version of LDapper. This is the version of LDapper that you are running. Goober To find out if you are running the latest version of LDapper, click here. (Option-click to show the confirmation alert first.)